ANCIS Odv, about us

Italian-Somali association founded in 1996 by Italian citizens born in Somalia during the AFIS
AFIS, the Italian trusteeship administration of Somalia which lasted a decade from 1950 to 1960 under a UN trusteeship mandate, intended to bring the country to independence and train future citizens with respect for the population.
In reality, Italy has largely failed to comply with the UN trust mandate as there has been a substantial continuation of the previous colonial regime; in particular racial discrimination and some fascist institutions such as the "madamato" have led to the formation of a generation of "meticci", our generation, the Somali minors in their first pregnancy were abandoned by the Italians who took them on as "madame" and the children entrusted to missionary colleges.
In the early 1960s an exodus to Italy of Italian-Somali minors in conditions of statelessness and without protection laws was organized to accompany the transition of the end of AFIS.
In the early 2000s, a review and apology offers emerged in the former colonizing countries for the policies of forced assimilation and the violence administered to the natives, with the removal of children from their families and locked up in missionary colleges; people began to talk about the “Stolen Generation”. Australia began for the native aborigines, followed by Canada for the native Inhuit, the USA for the native Indians etc..
It was in those years that the story of the Italian-Somalis was configured by the Italian media as the "Italian case of the Stolen generation", which was interested - among others - by the newspaper Repubblica and the broadcast "Chi l'ha visto" with a theme episode.

No apologies were received for the colonial regime and for AFIS
The Ancis Association, in order to divulge a historical reality unknown to the Italian public opinion and raise the question of colonial damages and of AFIS, fights so that Italy also follows the example of western democracies in apologizing for colonial damages.
We want to carry out a communication project to build the "European District of the Horn of Africa" to address a series of political and social problems that have been dragging on since the end of the AFIS, from the implosion of Somalia to the European project of the "Frames for Africa ”, and more.